Learn how our state-of-the-art eCommerce technology yields immediate and remarkable KPI results for Tischwelt.
Tischwelt is Germany’s only online store that specializes in first-class kitchen equipment, both for food preparation and table arrangements. Dishes, cutlery sets, glasses, baking accessories, trendy gadgets, tableware, bar equipment – customers can find everything a gourmet heart could desire.
In such an extensive and specialized range of items, there are often product names that are hardly used in daily conversations, e.g., eggshell breaking and perforating device (or eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher in German).
It’s therefore important that customers are able to find the items they’re looking for both fast and in their own words, for example egg opener. Tischwelt.de makes this possible for all its customers with the help of FactFinder Next Generation.
Our latest innovation, Next Generation or NG for short, was built from the ground up with the end goal of not improving ourselves but rather transforming.
NG’s out-of-the-box capabilities can be seen in Tischwelt’s online shop: by simply replacing FactFinder 6.9 with NG, Tischwelt’s sales figures immediately improved. That’s without any adjustments to the out-of-the-box configuration.
Shortly after the go live, the search conversion rate increased by 10% and the average shopping cart value grew by 13%.
Fabian Futterer, Technical Shop Manager, and Ronja Christ, eCommerce Merchant, share their experiences with NG and how the solution has made their day-to-day work easier.
The home goods industry has thrived during the pandemic
High-quality tableware, kitchen utensils and decorative items are traditionally a seasonal business, for example when sprucing up the table for Easter and Christmas. The average number of visitors to Tischwelt.de normally fluctuates between 150K to 350K.
In March of 2020, this fluctuation was amplified. “In the first two months of the lockdown, demand dropped sharply. This was probably the case in the majority of stores across Germany,” recalls Fabian. “But then, it practically went through the roof. With work from home orders and restrictions on restaurants, people were cooking and eating at home more often. We could clearly see that in our number of visitors.”
Next Generation increases conversion out of the box
Increasing online traffic is one challenge but successfully engaging visitors and converting them to shoppers is another, which is why Tischwelt leaves nothing to chance when it comes to optimizing their conversion.
By integrating the latest FactFinder technology, Tischwelt’s site search function immediately improved. An improvement which was directly reflected in their KPIs.
“With the switch to FactFinder Next Generation, our search conversion rate increased by 10 percent and our average shopping cart value increased by 13 percent,” Fabian reports. “In fact, we hadn’t optimized anything in the search configuration at the time of the A/B test.”
Fabian continues, “The integration went smoothly even though we use a shop solution that is based on open source and therefore does not come with standard APIs. We were able to adopt many components from the previous FactFinder version. For example, the data feed, which we only had to extend by a few fields.”
Fast, accurate search helps both customers and employees
In addition to increasing commercial KPIs, Next Generation also increases search speed. Faster loading times not only make online shopping more comfortable for visitors but also makes work easier for employees.
“Our expertise and advice are an important part of our unique selling proposition,” explains Fabian. “Customers can connect with real experts on the Tischwelt hotline who are knowledgeable about the product range and are not just trying to sell something. Since the consultants move around the online shop a lot, they naturally feel how much the performance has improved. For example, search suggestions now appear much, much faster – every keystroke is converted in real time.”
Ronja adds, “We also see fewer search queries that lead to no results because the algorithm interprets the input even better.”
Even though the correct spelling is ‘Villeroy porcelain’, FACT-Finder’s error-tolerant search compensates for typing mistakes and delivers precise results at lighting speed.
A user interface that makes site search optimizations intuitive
Our FACT-Finder team is constantly working to improve the online experience for its users, which is why we have redesigned our user interface to make it:
- simple to use
- simple to understand
- simple to profit
“We can control the search more easily with the new user interface,” explains Ronja. “In the home goods industry, search optimization is important because there are special terms that hardly anyone would search for. An example of this is the eggshell breaking and perforating device. This is used to open a breakfast egg in such a way that a perfect crown is created. To make it easier to find products with such unique names, we can now add and cluster synonyms even faster in the FACT-Finder UI.”
She continues, “Overall, the new UI is an enormous relief – even for small adjustments in everyday life. If colleagues find a search result that contains an unfitting product, we can correct it immediately. And if a question does arise, we turn to FACT-Finder’s Service Desk, with whom coordinating with always works very well.”
“Switching to NG was absolutely the right decision.”
Achieving double-digit KPI increases right from the start is a remarkable success, but for Tischwelt it’s only the beginning. Going forward, their e-commerce team wants to get even more out of the new search and will rely heavily on NG’s testing capabilities.
“The immediate conversion increase has exceeded our expectations,” says Ronja. “Switching to NG was absolutely the right decision.”
She continues, “We are confident that we can further expand this increase. So far, we are still optimizing from an expert’s point of view, so to speak. But just because we have know-how of the products doesn’t mean we know exactly how best to support customers in their search. The FACT-Finder can tell us exactly whether we are improving with a new setting or losing traffic instead. We will soon be making greater use of the NG’s A/B Testing module.”
Want to see all more of Next Generation’s capabilities?
Let us show you how NG can help boost your online sales. It’s free to sign up, not commitment required.